Success Stories

Creating digital solutions for accurate financial decisions making.


Under the Integrated Business Planning (IBP) concept, this solutions monitors the progress of each planning exercise in a graphic and intuitive way.

This solution allows the tracking of different business areas inputs availability and consistency, optimizing the planning process with accurate information.

This also allows your organization to simulate integrated plans under different scenarios, by adjusting macro economics variables plus other operational or financial drivers.


Plan, collect information and control budget forecast for different areas of your company.

In an automated way, request each budget owner its expenditure forecast, compare with previous budget or historical information, and proceed to consolidate the full company budget.

Obtain periodical Budget Control analytics and reports, in order to quickly take actions on budget execution.


Achieve an accurate and flexible product costs calculation and analysis, by introducing our Product Costs solutions.

From raw materials and packaging consumptions, analyzing its deviations, to production costs allocation for multiple sites and production lines.


Obtain a clear and easy-to-define Cashflow forecast, based on Integrated Business Planning plus commercial terms from customers and vendors.

Make an effective use of financial resources, based on historical as well as planned information.


From sales and production forecasts, to plant capacity and sales targets, this solution will help your company make an effective determination of production and sales resources needed, in order to obtain the maximum performance and profitability of your company operation.

This solution consolidates information from multiple sources, assuring its integrity and business alignment.


In case of companies with a high quantity of raw, packaging materials or spare parts items, this solution help them to make an effective capital investment on stocks and its availability.

According with highly dynamic operations, its materials need optimization is a key factor for an effective use of their financial resources.

Based on production and/or sales plans, this solutions automatically creates the proposal of the optimal quantities to be purchased or produced, as well as its timing and sourcing.

Vision & Innovation

We help companies improve their financial and operational performance by integrating digital solutions.